
Advanced English Dictionary

Large online dictionary with over 400,000 entries


3 Votes

  • Category Language & Translation
  • Program license Free
  • Version
  • Works under: Windows 10
  • Also available for Android 
  • Program available in English
  • Program by Cosmos Chong

Search for any word online to get the definition and the pronunciation with the Advanced English Dictionary.

If you are working on a project for school, doing homework or simply want to find a definition, you can use the Advanced English Dictionary download to find information about a word. The fact that the program is free is one of the first things that should entice you to download it. It is so easy to use that you will wonder why you have not been using the dictionary as a regular reference tool.

After the program has been downloaded, you can open up the program to view a search box at the top of the page. This is the field for entering the word that you want to find in the dictionary. There is a quick search option for suggested words that will be displayed when you enter the first few letters of a word. After you have found your word, you will be shown information about the pronunciation and about the correct spelling. There are also synonyms, antonyms and homonyms for each word in the dictionary. You will be shown example sentences or an example of the proper way to use the word. This is a helpful feature for a person who needs to know how to use the word in an essay or in an email message.

If you click on the word, you will be redirected to a different website that has more information. There is a word of the day. The program keeps track of some of your most popular searches. You will no longer be required to search through a book to find the definition of a word. The Advanced English Dictionary download is one of the better programs that are easy to use and also free.


  • Popular searches are stored
  • Has links for more information about the word
  • Over 400,000 words are available


  • Pictures are not included for all words
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